Application to Hire Name* Address* Postcode* Telephone Mobile Email* Hall(s) Required* Wedding hire (all of the Halls)Main HallLesser HallMeeting Room From:* To:* Time From:* Time To:* For the purpose of* Comments or Questions Alcohol Licence* A license for the sale of excisable liquer will be applied forwill not be applied for Acceptance of Terms* I/We have read and understood a copy of the Conditions of Hire etc. and agree to abide by the rules laid down therein. Data Consent* The data provided on this form will be retained by the Hall Booking Secretary and the Treasurer for the duration of the hire and until full payment has been made. I consent to the details above being circulated within the Duffus Village Hall and Playing Field Association as stated above. Signed: Signature (print/type)* Date: On behalf of Please prove you are human by selecting the plane. Δ